Saturday 26 March 2016


Indeed, wonders shall never end. We are constantly faced with experiences that leave us in awe. My youngest son made it clear today that he only wants to eat 'Fried Rice'. I tried all his other favourites but the little boy said a resolute 'no'. I even reminded him that there were no veggies at home, as I used the last batch for the Fried rice we just finished and he instructed me politely to buy some more veggies on my way from work.

This reminds me of the fact that the kids of this age have minds of their own, they are more aware of themselves than we were and learn a lot from their environments, TV, games, the internet etc. It reminds me daily that we cannot let them grow up without pointing certain things out  to them. We cannot assume that they will grow up right. We have to be deliberate about their friends and acquaintances, their exposure, religion, our time with them and everything you can think of because we have been instructed to "train up a child the way he should go an when he is old, he will not depart from it".

I am not saying force them to be all you want them to be or be rigid with them, I am saying expose them to what is right; but also let them learn to make right choices, like my son who learnt that eating fried rice everyday is not balanced.

Have a great day,
Omonefe O. Eruotor

Copyright © 2016 Omonefe Oisedebamen Eruotor

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